1 Corinthians 4 Imitate Me

Imitation is part of discipleship which establishes & reinforces our culture: our challenge is to ask, ‘who are you imitating, & who is imitating you?’ Haydon talks about healthy Church family by explaining what it looks like to be part of a...

Prayer: Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Continuing our series on prayer, Haydon takes a look at the first part of Matthew 6: 13 by unpacking what it means to pray, ‘Lead us not into temptation’. In this message, Haydon deals with core identity issues (what we believe about the nature of God,...

Prayer: Our Father in Heaven Pt. 1

Haydon speaks on prayer in the first part of our new series. Jesus shows us what our heavenly Father is like, while simultaneously modelling what it looks like for us to encounter & connect with Him intimately as ‘Dad’.  

Adventures in Faith?

By Haydon Murr Who amongst us has ever found ourselves in a situation where we felt ill prepared, fearful or out of our depth? Don’t ask what the world needs – ask what makes you come alive & go do it. What the world needs is people who have come alive....