Believe Father

In 325 AD the people who gave us the bible in its current form also gave us an incredible summary of what they had come to understand about the nature of God and of his eternal purposes. The Nicene Creed is declared in every Christian denomination worldwide. It brings...

Adventures in Faith?

By Haydon Murr Who amongst us has ever found ourselves in a situation where we felt ill prepared, fearful or out of our depth? Don’t ask what the world needs – ask what makes you come alive & go do it. What the world needs is people who have come alive....

Living Adventurously

Adventure means that you engage in ‘an unusual and exciting or daring experience.’ For some of us that may seem daunting because we are risk adverse, but, we are all called to live adventurously, not just the adrenaline junkies that get a kick out of trying something...