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The Way of The Cross

Phil provides an overview of what it looks like for us to follow Jesus & go the way of the cross. This is not about discipline & resuscitation; following Jesus is more radical than that – only death & resurrection provides the pathway to freedom & life in all its fullness. Transformation is not an upgrade on our old self … we must be born again!

1 Corinthians 16 Known By God & One Another

Jumping off Paul’s warm greetings at the close of his letter in chapter 16, Alison explores what it looks like to be vulnerable both to God & those within the family of God. With Jesus as our example, truth & vulnerability provide a way out of shame & into the fullness of life & relationship God always intended.

1 Corinthians 15 The Good News Of The Cross

In this message, Chris also encourages us to take God at His word. Just like the dead seed that goes into the ground & then sprouts into life, so we are reckoned dead in Christ, only to be raised up to share in His glorious resurrection life & power. Death is swallowed up & has lost its sting: resurrection is real!