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1 Corinthians 9 Run In Such A Way!

We are all qualified in Christ, because the basis of our qualification is not in what we have done, but what He has done for us.
God is good … He doesn’t call the qualified, but He qualifies the called!

Hope & Expectancy in 2019

Alison delivers a New Year’s message that sets us up for 2019. We’re all affected by disappointment, but the key thing in our development & growth as believers is how we respond to it. Do we withdraw, take offence & allow our faith to shrink, or do we pursue connection with God & allow Him to bring healing to areas of pain, build our character & lead us into fresh adventures of faith with Him. Alison explains what it looks like to dispose of the limited box of expectation & embrace a life of hope & expectancy.

Three Things For Us In 2019

While our overall vision to Build Community, Equip People & Transform Culture remains unchanged, this brief message that Haydon shared on our first Sunday gathering of 2019 outlines where we feel God is showing us our emphasis should be this year.
PRESENCE, DISCIPLESHIP & EVANGELISM are our three big words for this year & we are excited to partner with God as we journey & grow into all that He has for us in the months ahead.