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The Secret of Contentment

Alison concludes our series on Philippians by looking at what Paul really meant when he said he could do all things through Christ. This is a concise message that explores what it looks like to thrive in any and every circumstance (he was in prison when he wrote this). If Paul could do it – then so can we … because with God, nothing is impossible! Are we believing that, & can we experience it in our own lives today? The answer is YES! Focus on God rather than your problems & watch what happens.

Following God Where He Leads

After serving in Church leadership on the East Coast of the USA for 16 years, God called Rich, Danielle & their family to California through a series of divinely orchestrated words & events. Listen as they share their story of what transpired on the way -...

Philippians 4 vs 1 – 9 Have The Right Focus

In this message, Phil asks the question, ‘what (or who) will be the focus of your life?’ Drawing from Paul’s inspired & inspirational text, he explores the reality of how our actions flow from the focus of our thoughts as we train ourselves to listen to God and discover our true identity. With personal testimony Phil shares his own journey in becoming who God created him to be, & exhorts us to partner with God to continue on that journey for ourselves.